Thursday, March 10, 2011

In love with a sunny day!

I love me some sunshine.

What is it about the sun that can make you so happy? The past two days in San Diego have been incredible. I keep thinking…oh yeah this is why I moved all the way out to California. It makes the journey out here and the past seasons I’ve been experiencing here that much more beautiful.

I love a sunny day. I love how you just want to run outside, take a bike ride, go for a long walk, I love how the flowers seem extra happy, how you want to head to the beach (Woohoo! I can actually do this where I live…so thankful for that), put on your over-sized Audrey Hepburn sun glasses, open the sun roof, play summer time music like Jack Johnson, Jimmy Buffet or even the ever so classic Beach Boys, grill hamburgers with friends, grab an ice cold lemonade (or a sweet tea lemonade if you’re in the South), go to the park with Frisbee, football or dog in hand, or just how the sun simply causes us to smile. I think that I will always have to live in a sunny place. Even if I’m having a hard day at least I can open the door and enjoy one of my favorite things!

So I know it may not be sunny depending on where you live, but if it is…do as Sheryl Crow says and go "Soak up the sun”, throw on your Rainbows (the best flip flops in the world) and get outside and take advantage of one of God’s sweetest and warmest blessings...SUNSHINE!

ps-Since this blog is about love and romance, I’m going to give my sweet couples out there some free date ideas of what to do when it’s sunny outside:
(*Hint…Guys these are always great options if you are having a date idea block and I’ll even let you take credit for them.)

  • The classic: Picnic in the park.
  • The adventurer: Take your spouse or significant other rock climbing. Not only is it great for building trust, it’s also a heck of a lot of fun. I just climbed outside for the first time a month ago and it is sooooo much fun. (Don’t forget to bring deodorant.)
  • The intellectual: Grab a blanket and 2 books and head to the beach – then yall can take breaks and share what you like best about what you are reading. Maybe they will point out something completely different then you recognized.
  • The exerciser: Go for a hike - This is a great way to get to know one another while huffing and puffing your way up the mountain. (Don’t forget the H20)
  • The old school lover: Go rent an old convertible and go for a long drive along the coast or to the mountains. (Girls don’t forget your big sunglasses and scarf)
  • The caffeine addict: Go to a coffee shop with a patio. Check out a new location or a part of town you’ve never been to. Go sit outside as you sip on your iced chai tea or iced vanilla late.
  • The traveler: Go exploring, grab your date and go to a place near by that yall have never been to. I always check the local convention bureau websites or town websites and see if there are any local festivals going on near by. Then ask a local there favorite spot to eat or for their favorite local park and go there.
  • The lover of libations: Go to a local brewery and sit outside while you sip some hand crafted brews. (Atlanta – Sweet Water; San Diego – Stone, Pizza Port or Coronado Brewing company)
  • The foodie: Check out where the closest farmers market is and go pick out ingredients for lunch or dinner together and then go home and make a meal together. Your food will taste extra good because it was made with love.
Lovin’ love,

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