Monday, March 7, 2011

Lovin' a Tune

I love music. I love how a beat, a song or a melody can transport you in time to a place you once were or would like to go. Do you ever feel like our lives should have soundtracks? I do. As someone who grew up lip singing and creating choreographed dance routines to Michael Jackson classics, I have always loved music. Some of my fondest memories can be paired with a song.

I love how a song can take you to the exact memory or place when you heard it. Some friends and I were recently listening to a jukebox and listening to early 90's music and we could not stop laughing because we knew every word to the songs without hearing them for several years.

I also caught myself the other day jammin’ in my car by myself. I mean I usually have no qualms about blaring a good ballad or jam and singing as loud as I can…by myself. Yep…I’m that person in my car by myself singing on the freeway. I was so excited about this one particular song the other day I caught myself fist pumping and dancing by myself in my car. Hahaha Who does that? This girl.

But in all honesty why don’t we enjoy and love life more like this? 
So next time you hear a favorite song of yours, turn it up, loosen up, grab your invisible drum sticks or keyboard, sing and dance wherever you are. 
Because that is why life is lovely…for moments of unhindered joy and bliss encompassed by a good tune or song.

Lovin' love-

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